Wise Feline Utility AI for Unity

Wise Feline is a utility AI and influence maps system which allows you to make immersive AI with ease. It works great for agents in complex situations and has a great visual debugger.

Utility AI is easier to manage than state machines and behavior trees and you can make your characters, environments and even cameras behave in a more natural and less dry/scripted manner.

Behavior trees are more managable than FSMs (Finite state machines) but they can become easily very complex too and when they have to handle complex behaviors, the trees become almost impossible to read and understand. They also depend on the order of nodes which makes them even harder to understand and modify.

Finite state machines, while being the oldest approach used have their own drawbacks too. You need to explicitly create all state transitions and you have to anticipate all things which can happen. Their complexity can easily go out of hand too.